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technology and innovation

Student activists at MIT are ending their 116-day sit-in, following a joint agreement for climate action with administrators.

Violent extremist groups like ISIS are infamous for producing sleek propaganda online, convincing tens of thousands of young men and women to join their cause. In an attempt to counter those recruitment efforts and the subsequent violent extremist acts that follow, the U.S. government is hosting a competition, enlisting tech-savvy college students from around the world to create anti-radicalization media campaigns.

The biggest difference between college in the 50s and college now? The tuition. Arizona State University President Michael Crow makes three proposals to tackle rising costs and other issues in America's higher education system. 

This year marks the 100th anniversary of New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation presidential primary. For 50 of those years, one small college in Manchester has been at the center of much of the political drama.

Hampshire College -- founded 45 years ago as an experiment in alternative higher education -- will soon become home to a ‘living building,’ and the the first college in the country to generate all of its electricity from renewable energy.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can be found everywhere, including on college campuses. Since many colleges have non-profit status, they don’t allow students to open up shop on campus, pushing many student-run business operations underground.

As Pope Francis continues his tour in the U.S., he’s being welcomed by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. The popular pontiff is rekindling passion at one of the nation’s most prominent Catholic universities.

Simmons College is moving four of its graduate degree programs online, including the nation’s only MBA designed specifically for women.

As college students return to their brick-and-mortar campuses, Harvard Business School is unveiling a virtual classroom designed to replicate the intimacy of the on campus experience.

Three years ago, Harvard University and MIT embarked on a unique experiment when they launched a nonprofit called edX. The start-up promised a free online education, with university-level classes for anyone living anywhere across the globe.

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