Sci and Tech

The journey from the surface web to the dark web is easier than you might think. Rosa Bransky joins us to talk about what’s happening in the worst corners of the internet, and how to stop it. Read more...

We take a dip into history and explore the story of the man whose use of tech changed television forever. Read more...

The word “radiation” makes many people nervous - Tim Jorgensen tells us what sources of radiation we should and shouldn’t worry about. Read more...

With the help of technology, creditors are going to unprecedented (and sometimes illegal) lengths to pursue debtors. Read more....

Where do Facebook likes come from? Friends, fans, and - if you’ve got money - Bangladesh. Filmmaker Garrett Bradley takes us into the world of paid Facebook likes. Read more....

Nathalia Holt unveils the secret history of female rocket scientists. Read more....

How one student dealt with sexism in STEM. Read more....

Are you going to comment on this blog post? Well, please don’t be an awful human being.

Kentaro Toyama used to believe that technology could fix the world’s problems. Then he was forced to reconsider. Read more....

Antibiotics are part of daily life, but overuse - and misuse - means we may soon face a time when they just don’t work. Read more...

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