Sci and Tech
How a combination of public libraries, 3D printing, and engineering students helped a boy design his own prosthetic hand. Read more...
When was the last time you repaired your coffeemaker? Or your phone? Or your fridge? Kyle Wiens explains why we need a repair culture. Read more...
Some scientists are donning lab coats and heading to the classroom to work with grade schoolers. Read more...
It can be hard to think of a world without standardized time. But up until the late 19th century, time wasn’t that big a deal. Vanessa Ogle dives into the invention of time. Read more...
Not only is gambling all around us, it’s usually a better bet than you might think. Read more...
From cyber crime to nature's best algorithm, we're taking a look about how something old can surprise us in new ways. Read more...
In a world saturated with political tweets and SNL cameos, it's easy to get sick of spin. But the technology of spin has always been crucial to the presidency. David Greenberg gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how we get spun.
More minorities and women are getting into tech! And that's where the problems start. The story you haven’t heard about why talented people are giving up and dropping out.
Is America an engine of growth? Try some jumper cables. Economist Robert Gordon argues that the glory days are long gone.
The “pipeline problem” isn’t just old news; it’s distracting us from the real reasons why there aren’t more minorities in tech. Read more...
Necessity isn't necessarily the mother of invention. But annoyance is.
College hasn't changed all that much since the '50s. Except for the price tag. ASU’s Michael Crow explains why we should rethink college.
In 20 years, you're not going to have to worry about finances. Betterment CEO Jon Stein tells us how automated assistants are going to make managing money much easier.
Pagan Kennedy and Eric von Hippel explain why, and how, the process of invention is changing. Read more...