Sci and Tech
Science gave us penicillin, space travel, and computers. But, it also gave us TNT, guns, and heroin. Paul Offit tells us about when science goes wrong. Read more....
Unlike in music, science has few one-hit wonders. We talk with professor Laszlo Barabasi about how age and skill figure into scientific discoveries. Read more....
Brewster Kahle isn’t just a librarian, he’s the internet’s librarian. And it turns out, that’s a really important job. Read more....
What made America great? Well, according to author Robert Kaplan is has a lot to do with our landscape. Read more....
The innovations that have made our health care so effective also contribute to what makes it so expensive. MIT economist (who also helped build the Affordable Care Act) Jon Gruber says we should do a cost-benefit analysis on new drugs to keep costs low. Read more....
Marc Edwards was one of the first scientists to confirm lead poisoning in Flint. But it’s the second time he found himself battling the EPA. He tells us why our country’s lead crisis will only get worse. Read more....
Winter can be the hardest time of the year to stay in shape: The cold keeps us inside, warm and sedentary. But now that the holidays have passed, many Americans are looking to lose a few pounds in preparation for beach weather. Read more....
What would the internet look like if you owned a piece of it? Nathan Schneider thinks it's time for some of the biggest internet players to get cut down to size. Read more....
Where else have we seen an immigration ban like Trump’s? Walter Isaacson walks us through the history of immigration and innovation. Read more....
How’s Silicon Valley reacting to Trump’s immigration ban? We talk with Bilal Zuberi to find out. Read more....