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Northeastern University students are spreading awareness about sexual harassment and assault on campus through a campaign that uses the university's own marketing materials.

The House Republican tax bill is up for a vote this week and it's got the attention of several groups who are opposed to the legislation. One group that may be particularly impacted: graduate students.

Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts is now the second U.S. college to go 100 percent solar, running completely on electricity generated on campus.

On college campuses across the country, there has been a lot of talk about creating spaces where everyone feels comfortable enough to contribute. Now, a professor at Harvard Kennedy School is taking action, using cloud technology and data inside his classroom. And other professors are following his lead.

New research shows the mere presence of your smartphone – even if it isn’t ringing and you aren't staring at it – undermines your ability to perform certain tasks.

The Trump Administration is accusing Harvard of failing to cooperate with its ongoing investigation into whether the Ivy League school discriminates against Asian-American applicants. The Justice Department sent letters to Harvard earlier this month, threatening to sue the school if it does not turn over admissions data.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced Monday General Electric, Microsoft and Partners Healthcare will partner with edX, an online learning platform developed by Harvard and MIT, to increase the number of students who earn degrees and certificates online.

The layoffs come as the city's only public university moves closer to balancing its budget.

Amherst College announced it is planning to admit Puerto Rican students displaced by Hurricane Maria seven weeks after the storm devastated the island.

A new report released Tuesday criticizes New England colleges for being lax on core requirements like history and foreign languages. The American Council of Trustees and Alumni's latest survey calls out Northeastern colleges for not requiring all students to take a broad range of courses.

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