It can be difficult to know what people are thinking. So how can we unearth our real selves? Google, says Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.
Older Americans have the AARP. Gun owners have the NRA. And now, kids have Common Sense Media.
What can a couple of inkblots say about you? Apparently, a lot. We talk with Damion Searls about the rise of the Rorschach test.
Racism doesn’t just exist in the South, men really care about penis size, and having mutual friends doesn’t mean your relationship will work out. Turns out, there’s a lot you can learn from online data. Read more....
The difference between winning or losing a game can come down to fractions of a second. Ben Shields, from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and Jessica Gelman, of the Kraft Sports Group and co-founder and chair of the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics conference, discuss how science and data have taken sports to the next level. Read More...
TV shows live and die by Nielsen ratings, but does their data still matter in a Netflix world? It all depends on advertisers, says TIME media critic James Poniewozik. Read More...