Entries in Innovation Hub by Marc Sollinger

Our kids are our future, so what happens when we start having fewer of them? Dowell Myers and Fariborz Ghadar explain. Read More...

Millennials are feminist, progressive, and care a lot about gender equity. Right? According to Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Dan Cassino, it’s actually more complicated than that.

It’s relatively simple to organize a massive protest using Twitter and Facebook. And Zeynep Tufekci says that can make resistance movements weaker.

The average white family has 13 times the wealth of the average African-American family. Henry Rock explains how we can use entrepreneurship to lessen that divide.

Think you know better than your doctor? You don’t. Susan Jacoby and Tom Nichols explain why some of us are starting to distrust experts. 

Job interviews are a terrible way to measure candidates. Yale’s Jason Dana tells us why we can’t resist their siren call - and what we should do instead. 

Healthy lunches help kids… just not in the way you might think. Case Western Reserve’s Justin Gallagher explains.

When America has a problem, we no longer turn to the experts. And that’s a problem too. At least, according to Tom Nichols and Susan Jacoby. Read More...

California is on a collision course with the federal government. And we’re going to take a look at the crash. Read More...

There’s a reason you constantly check your phone. Sharon Begley explains the science behind our compulsions.

Who was Steve Jobs’ Steve Jobs? Edwin Land. We explore the life and legacy of the founder of Polaroid.

Fandom is a multi-billion dollar industry. Zoe Fraade-Blanar tells us how companies use our obsessions to make money.

Can’t stop checking your phone? Blame your distant ancestors. Read more....

Who was Steve Jobs’ Steve Jobs? Edwin Land. We explore the life and legacy of the founder of Polaroid. Read more....

Racism doesn’t just exist in the South, men really care about penis size, and having mutual friends doesn’t mean your relationship will work out. Turns out, there’s a lot you can learn from online data. Read more....

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