increasing access and success
Household debt in the U.S. has reached a new peak north of $12.7 trillion, according to a new report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Student loans account for more than 10 percent of that debt.
Sixty percent of community college presidents say their enrollments have dropped in the past three years and more than one in five presidents say enrollment is down by 10 percent of more. That’s according to a new survey conducted by Gallup and Inside Higher Ed and based on responses from more than 230 leaders of two-year colleges.
It's a dizzying time for high school seniors making their college decisions, but the next step — calculating how much it’s all going to cost — can be even more mind-boggling.
Now, a handful of selective schools are trying to make the true price of college a little more transparent with a new online tool.
Monday marks the decision deadline for many high school seniors deciding where to go to college. Perhaps more than anything else, a student's family educational background affects their college attendance and whether that student graduates on time — or at all. A charter high school in Boston has found a way to send more low-income, minority students to college.