increasing access and success
Free speech is fast becoming a hot-button issue at colleges across the country, with campus protests often mirroring those of the public-at-large on issues such as racism or tackling institution-specific matters such as college governance. On the surface, the issue of campus free speech may seem like a purely legal concern, yet in reality, colleges should also treat it as a public relations problem.
Part-time professors at New England’s largest university reached a three-year contract settlement with administrators on Thursday -- two months after voting to form a union. Under the deal, more than 800 part-time faculty at Boston University will see higher wages and improved job security, an agreement that could serve as a model for other part-time college professors.
Schools in the college capital of the world are preparing for commencement season. With all the pomp and circumstance is likely to come another annual ritual: rescinded invitations to controversial speakers. Free speech advocates argue that those disinvitations and other forms of censorship are preventing the type of rigorous debate that should be taking place on America’s campuses.