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Entries in On Campus by Lydia Emmanouilidou

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced new legislation on Thursday aimed at improving the college accreditation process.

The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office, in collaboration with the state Department of Higher Education, is hosting two workshops aimed at helping the state's nearly 500 former ITT Technical Institute students left in the lurch, after the for-profit career school shut down earlier this month. But some of the former ITT students attending Tuesday's workshop said they're not satisfied with the options available.

For many community college students nationwide, the goal is a four-year degree. But studies show only 14 percent walk away with a bachelor's within six years, partly because of the difficulty associated with transferring college credits. On Tuesday, Massachusetts officials rolled out a new tool designed to streamline the transfer process.

Boston is home to some of the world’s most elite colleges and universities. But for the lesser-known institutions, standing out from the pack can be a challenge. To ensure they're not overlooked by students, some of those schools are rebranding themselves.

It's graduation season, and schools across New England are preparing for their commencement exercises. This year, commencement speakers at Boston-area colleges include governors, actors, news media personalities and others. 

Students at Harvard Law School are occupying Wasserstein Hall, demanding administrators hire more diverse faculty and make the law school more accessible and affordable for students of color.

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