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July 11, 2013

Gov. Deval Patrick on Boston Public Radio

Gov. Deval Patrick on Boston Public Radio. Credit: Abbie Ruzicka / WGBH

Gov. Deval Patrick says he’d welcome a plan in Massachusetts that would allow students to attend state colleges and universities without paying tuition or loans out of pocket.

Last week, the Oregon legislature gave initial approval to a bill last week that would allow students to repay the state with a percentage of their future earnings.

Gov. Deval Patrick says he’d welcome a plan in Massachusetts that would allow students to attend state colleges and universities without paying tuition or loans out of pocket.

Last week, the Oregon legislature gave initial approval to a bill last week that would allow students to repay the state with a percentage of their future earnings.

Thursday, Patrick told Boston Public Radio that he’d like to see Massachusetts lawmakers consider the attend-now, pay-later model.

“I like the idea and we’ve talked about this briefly in the past of service obligations,” he said.

Some higher-ed observers say the landscape has changed, and the state’s political climate would be receptive to the Oregon plan.

higher ed, college, Education, new business models, increasing access and success, confronting cost, tuition

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