Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

Boston University's Andrew Bacevich writes that a President Trump would permanently degrade our constitutional structures. We must heed this argument before it is too late.

As we seriously consider whether the GOP front runner is a Fascist, and his chief competitor exploits the competitive advantage of telling penis jokes, we should take stock of the health of our democracy.

Marco Rubio's attack on Donald Trump's hiring practices adopted a liberal critique of conservative free market capitalism: that it undermines the American family.

Bernie Sanders is a socialist, Ronald Reagan is the avatar of free market capitalism. But their presidential announcement speeches share this trait: they both address you, the citizen, with the dignity you deserve.

Here's a little surprise. In recent special election primaries it has been the Massachusetts Republicans, not the Democrats, who have been nominating diverse candidates.

Conservatives intellectual defense of the Senate refusing to perform its "advice and consent" duty raises the question, which other constitutional provisions did the Founders intend to be operational only in time frames when the Republican Party holds the presidency?

In Iowa and New Hampshire some of the toughest candidate questioning came not from the media but from everyday citizens trained by the Quakers.

The problem with Marco Rubio’s debate rhetoric isn’t robotism. It’s race.

The GOP establishment has been cowering in horror at the Trump-Cruz insurrection and hoping someone can stop them. This is Marco Rubio's moment to prove that he is the moderate immoderate who can do the job.

Here are a few topics left on the cutting room floor of political discussion: how progressives are like the Direct TV ads The Settlers; funny things Marco Rubio says; Donald Trump, voting rights activist; and Ted Cruz, progressive.

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