Entries in Innovation Hub by Caroline Lester
Tree huggers might be onto something. Florence Williams explains how nature can make us healthier. Read More...
Judy Cockerton saw a problem and decided to do something about it. At 48, she shut down her toy store and created a village of sixty homes. The catch? They were reserved for seniors and families with foster kids. We visited Cockerton's village to learn how she built it. Read more....
There’s a health epidemic that doctors have been ignoring for decades. We talk with Dr. Vincent Felitti about how childhood trauma can affect adults’ health. Read More...
Millennials are known for being liberal. But new research might upend that assumption. Read more....
The wealth gap between white and black families has grown since the 1960s. But one man thinks he might have an entrepreneurial solution. Read more....
Healthy school lunches might not affect child obesity rates. But they do make a difference. Professor Justin Gallagher explains. Read more....
There are fans. And then there are superfans. Author Zoe Fraade-Blanar explains the difference between the two. Read more....
It can be difficult to know what people are thinking. So how can we unearth our real selves? Google, says Seth Stephens-Davidowitz.
Older Americans have the AARP. Gun owners have the NRA. And now, kids have Common Sense Media.
What can a couple of inkblots say about you? Apparently, a lot. We talk with Damion Searls about the rise of the Rorschach test.
Older Americans have the AARP. Gun owners have the NRA. But one of the biggest swaths of our population has very little political power. Read more....
Science gave us penicillin, space travel, and computers. But, it also gave us TNT, guns, and heroin. Paul Offit tells us about when science goes wrong. Read more....