
This week on Innovation Hub, we talk about how algorithms might be helping kids in dangerous situations, the broad effects of nostalgia, and what happens when the worlds of libraries and journalism collide. Read More...
Newsrooms are shrinking and trust in news is at historic lows. But your local library might be taking up the fight to restore our trust in journalism. Read More...

This week, we're diving into Russian hacking, the way we deal with criticism, and how journalism can survive a digital future. Read More...
Older Americans have the AARP. Gun owners have the NRA. But one of the biggest swaths of our population has very little political power. Read more....
We’ve suffered from information overload for years. But Wall Street Journal social media editor Sarah Marshall sees a future with a finishable news experience. Read More...
Technology theorist Clay Shirky has been studying the Internet since before most of us had email. He says a number of industries - from the media to higher education - need to shape up, or prepare for extinction. Read More...
Food journalism isn't all filet mignon and creme brulee recipes. Ruth Reichl, former NY Times food critic and Gourmet editor, talks Twitter, blogs, and the value of sitting down for meals. Read More...
Does the rise of technology signal the end of "big?" Nicco Mele, author of "The End of Big," says "big" institutions - from big politics to big media – better start worrying. Read more…
Think about those emails you get every minute, the texts constantly vibrating in your pocket, a news cycle that never ends. In his book Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now, best-selling author Douglas Rushkoff offers up an arresting theory about how living in this brave new world changes us.