Wellesley College is welcoming its first transgender students to campus this week.
Two years ago, Wellesley announced it would consider any applicant who "identifies as a woman," opening the way for Ninotska Love, one of two transgender students in this year's incoming class.
Moving into her dorm, Love told WGBH News that being accepted to Wellesley brings a lot of pressure.
"As a transgender woman I want to show to the world that we are capable than so much more than just the body,” Love said. “We have a mind, we have a soul. We're just like any other women - like any other human being."
After her transition, Love says she applied to the all-women’s school.
“I wanted to be a part of the sisterhood, the woman hood and everything else that I have become,” Love said.
Since 2015, at least eight other women's colleges, including Smith and Mount Holyoke here in Massachusetts, have adopted policies that allow trans-gender students to enroll. Critics, including some older alumni, say admitting such students change what it means to be a women's college.
Earlier: Mount Holyoke's New Transgender Policy Redefines Women's Education