Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

The recent snow storms and the MBTA’s breakdowns gave us all a great opportunity to push for our favorite policy solutions.

Did the Republican political establishment force Mitt Romney from the presidential race? If so they did the rest of us a favor.

All of a sudden we're talking about "the kingdom of Boston" and "It's good to be king" in Massachusetts. Have our elected officials become that detached from the people?

How politically corrupt is the state of the three convicted speakers, of a senator who stuffs cash in her bra, and the Probation Department scandal? It depends on who you ask.

The Catholic Church’s defeat of physician assisted suicide in Massachusetts took more than money and message: it took coalition politics too.

In the campaign against physician assisted suicide in Massachusetts, the Catholic Church won a moral issue with a secular message.

Does America really need Mitt Romney? Mitt Romney thinks so.

Charlie Baker’s inaugural speech was moderate and even a bit Democratic; he offered a Republican’s business approach to save Democratic government.

What kind of warrants – the legitimacy to bring change – does Charlie Baker have as he takes the oath of office?

When Deval Patrick takes the lone walk Massachusetts will say farewell to the rare American politician who speaks the language of Biblical morality.

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