Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

Two political scientists write of the deteriorating condition of American politics.

Give your loved one a gift that will remain special forever – a book.

When conservatives chortle about how unpopular President Barack Obama is they omit an important point: Obama may be unpopular because he has achieved “more important domestic policy change than any presidency since Lyndon Johnson's.”

A Boston columnist recently mocked Massachusetts and the presidential pretensions of its politicians. But come to think of it the nation could do much worse than Elizabeth Warren against Mitt Romney, and probably will.

Free market fundamentalists  have a true champion in their corner. It's Senator Elizabeth Warren.

In the campaign to defeat the Death with Dignity referendum in 2012, money was a crucial factor. The money was Catholic, and it came in late.

Howie Carr referred to transitional assistance recipients yesterday as “leeches”, the same word used in the past to describe the Irish and Latinos. Bigoted rhetoric doesn’t change, just the targets.

Is the Catholic Church back as a powerful political force in Massachusetts? Its defeat of the 2012 Death with Dignity referendum suggests a new sophistication.

From introductory texts in American Government through well-developed theories of democracy students of politics ask, Who rules? Two political scientists have the answer, and you won’t like it.

Perhaps conservatives should show greater appreciation of President Obama. After all, he based his new policy of acceptance for undocumented arguments by making conservative arguments.

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