Big data isn't just for the government and corporations anymore. Patrick Tucker, author of The Naked Future, and NYU psychology professor Gary Marcus, believe that individuals need to make big data work for them. Read More...
Think you know what caused the economic meltdown? Nobel Prize-winning economist Bob Shiller talks about the reliance on mathematical models that clouded peoples’ thinking. Read More...
Tech investor Esther Dyson talks about why more women aren't getting involved in science and technology. Read More...
Although Disney is best known for animating classic fairy tales, Neal Gabler, author of Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, argues that he was an artist deeply involved with scientific invention. Read More...
Video games combine art and technology to create a unique user experience, so the people who make them have to be artists and techies. Eran Egozy, co-founder of the company that created Rock Band and Guitar Hero discusses the science behind the art. Read More...
Stretched too thin? Author Greg McKeown explains why you need to focus your energy on what really matters. Read More...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal artist Zach Weinersmith talks about making fun of nerds and asks: if you can’t laugh at vector calculus, what can you laugh at? Read More...
Find out which famously inventive company started out as part of George Lucas’ company Lucasfilm, but then took on a life of its own. Read More...
Hubble Space Telescope mosaic featuring a small portion of the Monkey Head Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
What do Walt Disney and Seth MacFarlane have in common? Read More...
How is the shift from an industrial to an innovation economy affecting you? In "The Rise of the Creative Class," Richard Florida examines how we are inventing new forms of work. Read More...