Entries in Innovation Hub by Marc Sollinger
Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Iggy Azalea all have one thing in common, and it’s a marketing guru named Gogi Gupta. Hear what selling music really means in an age of torrents and streaming video. Read More...
There’s an invention that’s made the modern metropolis possible. No, it’s not the automobile or steel. It’s the elevator. Tom Sybert, host of the Elevator Radio Show, explains how the elevator completely transformed how we live. Read More...
Floods, drought, crime waves, terrorism, and superstorms. The modern city faces myriad catastrophes and crises. Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, tells us how cities can cope with these challenges, and what they can do to bounce back. Read More...
Three things you should learn:
1. Abraham Lincoln should get credit for the transcontinental railroad. Former Treasury Secretary and Harvard professor Larry Summers makes the case for why government needs to support innovation today. Plus, he looks back ten years to the firestorm surrounding his comments about women in science.
2. If the cloud were a country, it would consume more energy than Japan. Author Andrew Winston tells us why an eco-friendly revolution might not come from Silicon Valley.
3. One of the most revolutionary inventions in the history of the world was... the camel. William Bernstein talks about the surprising evolution of trade, and how it’s changed everything from math to guns.
Ordering those six pairs of Game of Thrones-themed socks from Amazon and having them sent straight to your door sure is convenient, but what does it mean for the world we live in? Engineering professor Anne Goodchild talks about the new delivery economy, and how it’s going to affect the environment. Read More...
The World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, the EPA… Pepsi. Writer Andrew Winston gives us a glimpse of the the future of corporate-driven environmentalism. Read More...
From the invention of the wheel to that $5 shirt you bought at H&M, what would your life look like without trade? Author William Bernstein explains how trade gave rise to the world as we know it. Read More...
Is science in a rut? Professor Roberta Ness thinks so, and she wants institutions and the government to start funding more risky, out-there projects. Read More...
Looks matter. But not just for the reasons you think. Stanford’s Peter Belmi explains how attractiveness and social class are inexorably linked. Read More...
We’re all about tearing down institutions here on Innovation Hub. From replacing journalists, to the end of the HR department, we love bringing you stories about how old ways of doing things are being completely upended. So we’re excited for this week’s show, where we’ll give you a look at what’s changing the legal profession, colleges, and even our notions of creativity. Read More...