Entries in Innovation Hub by Marc Sollinger
What would the internet look like if you owned a piece of it? Nathan Schneider thinks it's time for some of the biggest internet players to get cut down to size. Read more....
“You have an explosion of American creativity, driven by the great works of immigrants and refugees.” Walter Isaacson takes us through the historical links between innovation and immigration.
How’s Silicon Valley taking Trump’s immigration orders? According to Bilal Zuberi, a venture capitalist and Pakistani immigrant, it’s got a lot of people asking: “Is this a nightmare?”
Americans are moving less because new jobs aren’t worth it. Abigail Wozniak explains the declining dynamism of the job market.
How’s Silicon Valley reacting to Trump’s immigration ban? We talk with Bilal Zuberi to find out. Read more....
Buy this! Drink that! Does it ever feel like advertisements are becoming more and more omnipresent? Author Tim Wu explains. Read more....
Is a patent troll coming after your idea? Well, maybe you should check out Alex Reben’s algorithm. Read more....
What would your personal utopia look like? Well, it probably wouldn’t involve furniture making and no sex. Chris Jennings talks 19th century American utopias. Read more....
Our leaders should be deeply empathetic people, right? Well, according to Paul Bloom, empathy can actually get in the way of helping people.
Mandatory voting, a council of presidents, more bureaucrats... Parag Khanna says that this is what American democracy should look like.
Man-made climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. So why exactly aren’t we doing more about it?
Climate change looks like it will drastically change all of our lives. So why aren’t we doing more about it? We’ll take a look at why some are reticent to accept the consensus view on climate science, and what those in power are doing now to prepare for a new world. Read more....
Do you believe that the illuminati run the world? That there was a second gunman? That everything is NOT WHAT IT APPEARS? Well, even if you don’t, conspiracy theories help shape our world. We look at the psychology behind them. Read more....
Want to become wise? Well, you should first figure out what wisdom actually is. Psychology Professor Thomas Gilovich explains. Read more....