You may not be in college anymore, but that doesn’t mean you have to be done learning. MOOCs, or massive open online courses, are free online versions of collegiate classes, from some of the best universities and professors in the world.
In an interview last month with On Campus, Jonathan Haber described his One Year BA project. In just 12 months, he took enough massive open online courses, and other free-learning experiences, to match the degree requirements of a four-year BA program. Haber was exposed to a number of remarkable courses, so we asked him to give us a few of his favorites that you can take right now.
If you’re still hungry for more free learning, don’t limit yourself to just this handful of recommendations. MOOCs often function on the traditional academic calendar, meaning many new classes are starting now. And other free-learning options, including a growing number of on-demand MOOCs, are available to start anytime you choose.
Jonathan Haber is currently the Inaugural Visiting Fellow at HarvardX. You can read more detailed reviews of these and other courses at his portfolio. His Degree of Freedom project chronicled his attempt to learn everything you would get from being enrolled in a four-year, liberal arts degree program in just twelve months using only MOOCs and other free educational resources and his Essential Guide to MOOCs will be published by MIT Press later this month.