Hillary Clinton

In the annals of intra party debates, it is hard to fine one completely owned by a single candidate.  That alone makes Hillary Clinton’s total dominance last night historic.

Has anybody in the Bay State noticed anything familiar about Candidate Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is extremely well positioned presently and is very wisely adhering to that classic bit of political wisdom, “[n]ever write if you can speak; never speak if you can nod; never nod if you can wink.” Right now for Hillary Clinton less is more, whether the media likes it or not.

Ronald Reagan's 1980 announcement speech took voters seriously - it let us know his governing philosophy and where he proposed to lead the nation. So how do the 2016 speeches stack up? Today we'll consider how Hillary Clinton's announcement video rates as we introduce the Reaganometer.

Remember the book “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten?” The modern GOP has clearly forgotten the point of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Much of the gaping credibility deficit of today’s Republican Party is the byproduct of what Jeffrey Berry and Sarah Sobieraj call The Outrage Industry. The hottest thing in the media business is outrage peddling and, unfortunately for Republicans, politically conservative consumers can’t get enough of it. The market for conservative outrage is flooded with low quality product that is crowding out serious criticism of folks like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.

Hillary Clinton's dumbed-down announcement video was an insult to the citizen.For an example of a candidate who took the voters seriously look to Ronald Reagan's 1980 announcement.

If the Democrats coalesce early around Clinton and use the head start to frame the election in party and policy-centric terms; as a referendum on Republican Party control of all three branches of the federal government (a frame that will almost certainly be abetted by both the performance of the Republican-controlled 114th Congress and the ongoing GOP nomination circus), then the danger to Democratic chances of giving Clinton a “free ride” to the November ballot should be minimal.

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