Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

Recent education policy shifts in Massachusetts have been directed by a handful of wealthy sharks who have hidden behind dark money. Until now.

Credit: Flickr, DonkeyHotey

As pundits search for clues in the grisly death of Repeal and Replace, the trail leads back, as usual, to the dark money Kingdom of Koch.

Credit: AP

Who knew repealing health care could be so complicated? Lessons from the near death and continuing life of Obamacare.


Let's resist, march, protest, call our legislators, organize, support refugees and immigrants, contribute to ACLU and Planned Parenthood - but please, no polling.

Wikipedia: by Nicholas Shepherd, 1846

Even the most ardent Liberals have Trump voters in their family or among their friends. Some commentators advise we seek to understand them, others that we condemn them. What's a conscientious Liberal to  do? Advice from Abraham Lincoln.

It's a disturbing fact: when we're talking dark money in Massachusetts politics, we're talking covert money from offshore interests.

Credit: DonnaG, Flickr

The Office of Campaign and Political Finance has the power to force Great Schools Massachusetts and Families for Excellent Schools to come clean about the true source of $16 million in secret cash spent in the charter schools campaign. Massachusetts citizens deserve that day of reckoning.

How might national Democrats have learned how to lose working class voters? By closely observing Massachusetts Democrats.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Recent poll numbers suggest Massachusetts may not be that wild about returning Elizabeth Warren to the U.S. Senate. Should she be worried?

You'll be thanked many times over for a present that helps explain our turbulent political world - a book.

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