Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

One of the ballot committees supporting the charter school initiative was named Advancing Obama's Legacy on Charter Schools, a peculiar name for a committee funded by Republican billionaires. But that's the world of dark money, where things are never quite what they seem.

Credit: Pexels

Want to get away? Israel in December is nice - if you have the right connections.

Twenty million dollars in dark money poured into Massachusetts from New York on Question 2, and all the New Yorkers came away with was a familiar chant.

Nations and forms of government are not perpetual. America suffers a genuine threat from President-Elect Donald Trump.

Each election season Massachusetts political players earn their way into the winners and losers column. Charlie Baker, Curt Schilling, the Boston Globe, Meghna Chakrabarti - which list did your favorite make?

Will Massachusetts be a democracy or a secret plutocracy? That question doesn't have a ballot number but it is the most important question you'll vote on this year.

Shouldn't voters in a democracy have at a minimum the right to know who is spending millions to influence their votes? Not according the the pro-charters campaign.

Had either the Boston Globe or the governor shown a bit more curiosity about the over $14 million that has already poured into the state on behalf of the yes on 2 campaign, we might know more about who is really behind all those TV ads.

Among the pots of gold exploited by dark money givers to Question 2: the pensions of Massachusetts teachers, and the American taxpayer.

The mainstream media hasn't been much help in uncovering the sources of the dark money that pollute our politics. Do people care? Here are a few political committees, real and fanciful, that illustrate why we should.

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