Kara Miller
You hate your taxes. That’s not a qualified statement, there’s just absolutely no chance that you like paying your taxes. But according to business professor Michael Norton, there’s a way for you to enjoy giving your hard-earned money to the federal government. It’s all about where it goes. Read More...
Three things you’ll want to know:
1. You may have too much confidence. At least according to psychologist David Dunning, who explains why people are so sure of themselves, even when they have no idea what they’re talking about.
2. A robot might have written this sentence. Bot artist Darius Kazemi and computer scientist Kris Hammond talk about the future of computer-generated narratives.
3. Move over Jurassic and Paleozoic periods. Author Diane Ackerman says that humans are changing the world so much, the earth’s entering a new geologic epoch, the Anthropocene.
It’s easy to think you’re right all time. But even a fan of Innovation hub, intelligent, cultured, and devastatingly attractive as you most certainly are, can sometimes be incorrect. Read More...
Food preferences aren’t just a matter of taste. Science writer Jennifer Ouellette takes us on a molecular journey to discover why we are who we are. Read More...
On the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, Andrew Zolli, author of "Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back" takes a broader look at crisis. Read More...
Humanitarian doctor Paul Farmer explains how global health is rooted in community. Read More...