
Our jobs can have a major impact on our health. Toxic management causes 120,000 excess deaths a year in the United States, according to Jeffrey Pfeffer. Read More...

Ever feel like you’re still at work, long after you’ve left the office? Well, you’re not alone. Professor Ian Bogost argues we live in a “hyper employed” time, and offers some ideas for what we can do about it. Read More...

A new generation of workers has a new generation of values - which can mean walking away from raises and promotions. Read More...

In the summer of 2012, the San Francisco tech start-up Gild offered a job to 26-year-old Jade Dominguez. Dominguez didn’t have a college degree — and he hadn’t even applied for a job with the company. Why did Gild make him an offer? The company harnesses big data to look for the Internet’s most qualified workers, rather than relying on resumes, outdated credentials, or a human resources department. As it turns out, big data thought Dominguez was the best man for the job.

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