Entries in Innovation Hub by Jonathan Gang
Augmented reality apps like Pokemon Go allow developers to overlay a story onto the real world. Game designer Kellian Adams Pletcher tells us how this technology is going to change the way we interact with our environment. Read more...
Are old-school political parties becoming obsolete now that non-mainstream candidates can reach voters easily and directly? NYU professor Clay Shirky discusses how social media helped shaped this election. Read more....
What is the future for the troubled institutions that were once the pillars of our society - the media, the government, political parties? Harvard’s Nicco Mele talks about the future of big institutions in an increasingly connected world. Read more....
How do we save middle class jobs in the face of increasing automation and advancing artificial intelligence? Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson discuss how our society can adapt to a world with a changing definition of work. Read more....