Entries in Innovation Hub by Caroline Lester

The gig economy has exploded over the past decade. Could Paul Ryan’s new health care proposal halt that progress? Read more....

Con men - and women - have been around for as long as we’ve been around. So why do we keep falling for their tricks? Maria Konnikova explains the science of the swindle.

There’s no international law on time zones or daylight savings. And the result? Chaos. But Steve Hanke has a simple solution: universal time.

Flint, Michigan, was just the beginning. Marc Edwards says that our country is relying on a network of very old pipes, many of them lined with lead.

North Korea invented its own time zone. Arizona and Hawaii refuse to participate in daylight savings. Steve Hanke thinks it’s time to overhaul, well, time. Read more....

Marc Edwards was one of the first scientists to confirm lead poisoning in Flint. But it’s the second time he found himself battling the EPA. He tells us why our country’s lead crisis will only get worse. Read more.... 

Americans are becoming increasingly dependant on our calendars. But what happens when you start to schedule free time? Bad things, says Selin Malkoc. Read more....

This just in: reading just might help you live longer. Bookworms everywhere celebrate by going to the library. Read more....

Where else have we seen an immigration ban like Trump’s? Walter Isaacson walks us through the history of immigration and innovation.  Read more....

American workers are becoming less mobile. Abigail Wozniak explains what that can tell us about our economy. Read more....

Money and politics go together like Thelma and Louise. But that relationship has started to spin out of control. Looking for proof? Last year, one group spent almost $900 million to try to influence voters and legislators.

“I think we’ve given up on the idea that some spaces are sacred.” Including, apparently, sermons. Tim Wu explains how advertising has infiltrated our lives.

Dilbert never stopped being relevant. We talk with psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic about how incompetent managers always seem to find their way to the top, and why that’s bad for women.

Money and politics have always been paired. But, journalist Jane Mayer and professor Theda Skocpol both say that something new is afoot, thanks in part to a couple of very rich brothers. Read more....

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