Dating in the digital age equates to a slew of websites and apps that all purport to offer paths to love. But, while we may have more ways to find that special someone than ever before, actually forging those bonds isn’t quite as easy as swiping right.
Author Moira Weigel has tracked the history of dating. She says the concept emerged in the late 1800s, as Americans moved to cities and more women entered the workforce. The rigid courtships of the day with chaperones and parlor chats gave way to young men and women getting to know each other over dinner and a movie.
Then, for every romantic partner we gain, we lose two friends. Wall Street Journal Columnist Elizabeth Bernstein explains why making friends becomes more difficult as we grow up, go to work, move to new places and raise families. We should stick with it though, because research shows that friends make us happier and healthier.
Next up, Kara tries to make a new friend through an app and finds that it isn’t as easy as it may appear on a screen. While dating apps abound, friend-seeking apps haven’t taken off. Still, Nermin Jasani, founder of the now-defunct app Lumelle, believes they will. It’s only a matter of time.
Finally, have you ever marveled at the internet as you would a vivid painting or graceful sculpture? Writer Virginia Heffernan has. She says she sees the web as an all-encompassing work of art. She explores how the internet has shaken up industries like music and changed the way we live.