Bernie Sanders
Robert Reich is taking on the “Bernie skeptics.” Sadly, that includes me. Also sadly, Reich’s effort to rebut the conventional wisdom regarding Senator Sanders’ general election viability is all too easily debunked. Reich’s professorial presentation is filled with many logical and reasonable premises and claims. Unfortunately, there are also an alarming number of unsupported claims and flawed or flat out incorrect assumptions about the way voters behave and about how our electoral and policy making institutions are designed and how they function in real life.
the book “All
I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten?” The modern GOP has
clearly forgotten the point of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Much of the gaping
credibility deficit of today’s Republican Party is the byproduct of what
Jeffrey Berry and Sarah Sobieraj call The
Outrage Industry. The hottest thing in the media business is outrage
peddling and, unfortunately for Republicans, politically conservative consumers
can’t get enough of it. The market for conservative outrage is flooded with low
quality product that is crowding out serious criticism of folks like Hillary
Clinton and President Obama.
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