Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

The public uprising against the corporate-based Boston2024 reminds us that people like to root for Harry Potter, Ron Weasely, and Hermione Granger, not Voldemort.

Working families or CEOs? The budget deal on the earned income tax credit marks another Beacon Hill win for "the heavenly chorus."

Does the public need 110 polls on the Republican presidential nomination -- in mid July of 2015? Nope; those polls are beneath trivial. On the other hand, polling may well decide the fate of the 2024 Boston Olympics.

Meet the next speech, same as the prior speeches. Governor Scott Walker's announcement speech hits the mediocre standards of other 2016 contenders but falls short of Ronald Reagan's 1980 announcement.

In another sign of our political irrationality, Democratic consultant and Daily Beast contributor Cliff Shecter warns progressives that Senator Bernie Sanders may be a racist.

There were some good elements in Marco Rubio's announcement speech, but he falls short of the "Gentleman's C" on the Reaganometer.

Puritanism gets a bad rap from progressives, but Puritans were actually the progressives of their day.

Donald Trump's racist rant about Mexicans poses a leadership crisis for his party. Is the Republican Party to be the Party of Lincoln, or the Party of Trump?

Cuddled in the amniotic fluid of self-love, Donald Trump announces for president.

When matched up against Ronald Reagan's announcement speech, Jeb Bush barely earns a passing grade.

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