Teresa Amabile

There’s a very high probability that you, the person reading this, are a human being. But what separates you, the discerning listener of Innovation Hub, from WALL-E or Johnny Five? Read More...

1. After ATMs popped up on every street corner, the number of bank tellers actually increased. Author and economist James Bessen explains how technology changes the workforce - and why you shouldn’t be too worried about a robot stealing the corner office.

2. Certain types of stress actually increase your creativity. Teresa Amabile, professor at Harvard Business School, explains why pressure can be a good thing, and says that we can all learn something from the Apollo 13 missions.

3. Studies suggesting that beta-carotene prevents cancer were disproven in the 70s, yet the claim is still cited today. Stanford’s John Ioannidis gives us a peek into the crisis in scientific literature.

A lax dress code; an open office; awesome cafeteria food. What can companies do to truly foster creativity among their workers? Harvard’s Teresa Amabile has done a landmark study to figure it out, and she’s uncovered some counterintuitive results. Read More...

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