Is China pulling ahead in the global race to achieve? What’s the use of a “useless” liberal arts degree? And should you be spending money on time or things? That’s all this week on Innovation Hub. Read More...
Everyone has their eye on the latest iPhone. But would we be happier if we spent our money on things that saved us time? Harvard Business School’s Ashley Whillans has the answer. Read More...
We literally get high from making money. Former Wall Street executive and author Kabir Sehgal explains our obsession with cash and coin. Read more....
Why the middle class will have eight fewer years of healthy life than the rich, and what that means for you. Read more...
What if the best way to help people isn’t volunteering at a soup kitchen… but instead, making a whole ton of money? Philosopher Peter Singer gives us a whole new perspective on altruism. Read More...
Stanford's Jeffrey Pfeffer explains how money manipulates the way we think. Read more...
Most of us have seen a television commercial and thought: “If only I had that iPad, that new television set, or that big Jacuzzi, I’d be so much happier.” But Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, authors of the new book "Happy Money" aren’t so sure. When it comes to money—whether in the form of a bonus, a new car, or the latest gadget--they argue that more is not always better.
Can money buy happiness? We ask Michael Norton of Harvard Business School and Elizabeth Dunn of the University of British Columbia, authors of “Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending.” Read More...