Even if you’re pretty happy with the job you have, you still might want to see if there’s anything better. CEO Tom Leung talks about Poachable, his anonymous online talent marketplace that lets you look for cool new jobs, without your boss finding out — and lets companies find the right match as well. Read More...
A new generation of workers has a new generation of values - which can mean walking away from raises and promotions. Read More...
How are jobs - and workers - changing? Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee discuss which robots we should fear, and which we shouldn't. New York Times columnist Tom Friedman weighs in on the future of work. Plus, we may be heading for a 32-hour work week, and find out why money doesn’t make us as happy as we think. Read More...
Employers are starting to use technology to hire, track and promote employees - in unprecedented ways. Read More...
Dave Girouard, former Google executive and founder of Upstart, has a radical - and controversial - solution for young people burdened with student loans. Read More...
How is the shift from an industrial to an innovation economy affecting you? In "The Rise of the Creative Class," Richard Florida examines how we are inventing new forms of work. Read More...
What if automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence are bearing down on us at a faster rate than we ever anticipated? Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson, authors of "The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies," say technology is rapidly reshaping our economy. Read more...
Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired magazine and author of "Cool Tools," says that robots are getting better and better at doing human jobs – and that's a good thing. Read more...
In our continuing series on American competitiveness - and whether America will still be the place where great innovation occurs - we’ve looked at transportation with Former Governor Ed Rendell and education with Professor Paul Peterson and former Assistant Secretary of Education Chester Finn. Today we ask: how desirable are American workers? And is that desirability threatened by gridlock in Washington? Read more...