For a long time, we didn’t know much about hormones. But once people discovered what these chemicals could do, there was an awful lot of (mostly warranted) excitement. Read More...
In the last 20 years, the prevalence of food allergies in children has increased by at least 50 percent. We talk with two food allergy experts about the possible causes and what researchers are doing about it. Read More...
Our jobs can have a major impact on our health. Toxic management causes 120,000 excess deaths a year in the United States, according to Jeffrey Pfeffer. Read More...
When did the fight for human rights begin? According to Lynn Hunt, the 18th century. And why? One answer is rather unexpected: the rise of the novel.
Childhood experiences can drastically affect a person’s health for the rest of their life. We talk to a doctor about what that means for medicine.
Science gave us penicillin, the moon landing, and the theory of evolution. But scientists can also make really big mistakes.
There’s a health epidemic that doctors have been ignoring for decades. We talk with Dr. Vincent Felitti about how childhood trauma can affect adults’ health. Read More...
Traditional sunscreens have chemicals that can seep into our bodies. Not cool, right? Biomedical engineer Mark Saltzman thinks he might have a sticky solution to the problem. Read More...
Why the middle class will have eight fewer years of healthy life than the rich, and what that means for you. Read more...
Doctors who color outside the lines are responsible for a big chunk of US health care spending. Ariel Stern explains why. Read More...