Being bored is actually good for kids. At least, according to UVA’s Daniel Willingham. Finally, parents everywhere are vindicated.

Looking to raise independent children? Paula Fass, Professor Emerita at UC Berkeley, suggests the good ‘ole Ulysses S. Grant treatment.

Put down that worksheet and put on that dashiki! Ian Bremmer thinks it’s time to start learning cultures, not languages.

Technology may be changing the ways that kids read, but that’s not necessarily bad. Read more....

When Ulysses S. Grant was ten, he was in charge of selling his family’s horses. Why don’t we give kids that much responsibility today? Paula Fass has the answer. Read more....

Want your kids to be creative? According to Eric Weiner, you shouldn’t make things easy for them. Read more....

Forget conjugating verbs: Ian Bremmer believes it’s time that we start learning cultures, not languages. Read more...

Kentaro Toyama used to believe that technology could fix the world’s problems. Then he was forced to reconsider. Read more....

Vienna valued music; it got Mozart. We value technology; we got Mark Zuckerberg. Eric Weiner talks about how place and culture shape the rise of geniuses.

If you don't get a full night's sleep, it's like you're coming into work drunk. Neuroscientist Tara Swart shares the advice she’s been giving CEOs and billionaires.

In the next 50 years, one of our engines of economic growth may go kaput. The reason? We’re getting old. James Manyika explains.

The mind-body link isn’t just for homeopathic devotees; it’s a proven medical connection. Jo Marchant explains. Read more...

Ever wonder why certain places have more than their fair share of geniuses? Eric Weiner explains why this is - and where the next geniuses are likely to pop up. Read more...

Thanks to increasing access to the Internet, our global economy is more intertwined than anyone could have predicted. But what happens when the workers grow old? Read more...

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