This week, we answer some questions: Do voters actually influence politicians? Does neuroscience shape our legal system? And why do we confuse pleasure and happiness? We find out on Innovation Hub. Read More...
We don’t influence politicians as much as we think we do. Often, it’s politicians who call the shots. Read More...
We’ve been studying how the brain affects crime for decades. But today’s legal system is seeing a different side to neuroscience and the law. Read More...
Two brain chemicals are playing a major role in our lives, according to pediatrician Robert Lustig. And corporations are taking advantage of them. Read More...
From Aristotle to selfie sticks, from Ford to Foxconn, and from good enough to perfect. That’s all this week, on Innovation Hub. Read More...
What did Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, and Herman Melville think of the first factories? Find out.
Dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s is one thing. But mathematician Eugenia Cheng says obsessing over perfection leads to a lot of wasted effort. Read More...
Each year, U.S. News ranks U.S. colleges - and the rankings create a buzz. But should prospective students and parents pay any attention to them? Read More...
By 2050, Earth will be home to 10 billion people. Can we feed them all without devastating the planet? Read More...
Pharmaceutical drug prices in the U.S. have risen steadily over the past few decades. But why aren’t other countries paying as much for their medications? Read More...