Entries in Innovation Hub by Alec Greaney

They took a beating after the 2016 election, but it’s time to give political pollsters a break. They’re doing an important job. Read More...

Roughly one in five Americans don’t have access to the internet. We talk about why that matters. Read More...

Few people took interest in his work at the time, but Charles Keeling turned his research of CO2 in the air into one of the most important and recognizable charts in science. Read More...
We know children from high-income families do better in school than those from poorer backgrounds. But, that gap widens by the time children are just three years old, says early childhood expert Kathy Hirsh-Pasek. Read More...

Each year, U.S. News ranks U.S. colleges - and the rankings create a buzz. But should prospective students and parents pay any attention to them? Read More...

Pharmaceutical drug prices in the U.S. have risen steadily over the past few decades. But why aren’t other countries paying as much for their medications? Read More...

Rachel Herz explains how the brain affects our relationship with food, even without us knowing it. Read More...

You’ve heard of the smartphone and the smartwatch, but the smart umbrella? David Rose tells us how everyday objects can be made magical. Read More...