Entries in Innovation Hub by Mary Dooe

1. It'll take a Chernobyl-size disaster for people to demand more regulation in Silicon Valley, argues Andrew Keen, author of The Internet is Not the Answer.  

2. We owe the existence of anti-bac hand gel to a contemporary of Newton and Galileo. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek was fascinated by early microscopes, and is now believed to be the world's first microbiologist. 

3. Museums today are starting to be a lot more BYOD (bring your own device). And incorporating new tech is crucial, because the museum-going demographic is considerably older and whiter than the population at large.

Three things you need to realize:

1. Cricket cookies are coming to a cupboard near you. Beyond Meat’s Ethan Brown and Bitty Food’s Megan Miller give us a taste of what you’ll be chomping on in twenty years.

2. Having a good hair day could make you feel richer. Stanford’s Peter Belmi explains the link between attractiveness and the social order.

3. Scientists in America would love to pursue revolutionary research, if it meant they wouldn't be cut off from future funding. Professor Roberta Ness argues that bad incentives in the scientific community are preventing us from solving the big problems of cancer, climate change, and more.

Trade in your burgers and chicken wings for cricket flour and meatless protein. Bitty Food’s Megan Miller and Beyond Meat’s Ethan Brown tell you why your dinner is going to look radically different in 20 years. Read More...

Here's the cheat sheet for this week's show:

1. People like paying taxes a lot more if they get to choose where the money goes. Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton investigated how much control people want when forking over their cash.

2. The Internet is making us less equal. At least, when it comes to high and low-income kids and what they're learning online, explains anthropologist Mimi Ito. 

3. Never do something because you think it'll make you rich– a piece of advice from tech giant Peter Diamandis, founder of XPRIZE and Singularity University. 

You hate your taxes. That’s not a qualified statement, there’s just absolutely no chance that you like paying your taxes. But according to business professor Michael Norton, there’s a way for you to enjoy giving your hard-earned money to the federal government. It’s all about where it goes. Read More...

It’s easy to think you’re right all time. But even a fan of Innovation hub, intelligent, cultured, and devastatingly attractive as you most certainly are, can sometimes be incorrect. Read More...

Climate change, megacities, ocean acidification. Author Diane Ackerman believes humans have shaped the world so much that we’re now living in a new geologic epoch, one that’s defined by our actions. Read More...

Three things you probably want to know:

1.  Thinking about your mom might help you ace a calculus test...depending on where you were raised. Hazel Markus explains why kids from Western and Eastern countries think differently about motivation, community, and innate brilliance.

2. Incubators have been helping to grow companies since 1959but it's only recently that their younger cousins, accelerators, have taken off. Reporter Daniel Gross investigates whether they're worth the hype. 

3.  The business world can learn a lot from Through the Looking Glass. William Barnett of Stanford Business school explains why competition is a good thing – even if everyone feels like they're running in place.

Here are three things to learn this week:

1.  It isn't your fault you think Ross and Rachel are your actual friends. Our brains didn't evolve to comprehend things like movies and television, explains Jim Davies, author of "Riveted."

2. There are still jobs for journalists… they might just be with Chevron. Shane Snow, freelancer and head of Contently (a kind of Match.com for journalists) talks about where the industry is headed. 

3. The guy who wrote the great American dictionary was pretty crotchety. We hear from Noah Webster's biographer Josh Kendall about the man behind the iconic book.

For Women's History Month, Innovation Hub takes a look at innovative women past and present, and the work that still needs to be done. Read More...

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