Boston Globe

Boston billionaire Seth Klarman switches from Republicans to Democrats with $222,000 in donations, Sunday Globe front page. Klarman  gives over $3 million in dark money to ballot campaign, barely a mention. What's the story?

Dark money is a hard story to understand precisely because the wealthy interests behind it don't want us to understand it. But we can do a better job if journalists make it a priority and regulators give them some help.

Each election season Massachusetts political players earn their way into the winners and losers column. Charlie Baker, Curt Schilling, the Boston Globe, Meghna Chakrabarti - which list did your favorite make?

It's a small town. It turns out the Boston Globe, which has in the past been a client of Keyser Public Strategies, today endorsed another client of Keyser Public Strategies, "Yes on 2'.

John Henry just spent 217 million on David Price’s arm.  Surely, he has the money and mojo to demand those who deliver his prized paper enjoy basic labor protections. Fellow Boston Globe subscribers, guaranteeing this is the continuous coverage we actually need.   

Today the Boston Globe released a poll of voters' views concerning Governor Baker's position on accepting Syrian refugees. The problem is, voters probably don't understand what the governor's position is.

In disagreeing with Governor Charlie Baker on the Syrian refugee issue, the Boston Globe Editorial Board lumps him in with Republicans Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz (but not with Democratic Governor Maggie Hassan). Oddly, the Editorial Board doesn't seem to have understood what Globe reporters quoted Baker as saying.

While the likes of Rudy and Rush try to scare white people into supporting conservative pols or policies, others go about their race baiting differently. Jeff Jacoby’s latest column is an excellent example of such a different approach. He isn’t scaring his target audience; he is justifying racial resentments by patting them on the back and assuring them that critical introspection on race in America is entirely unnecessary. Jacoby props up racism by declaring that racism (which he refers to tellingly as “white racism”) has disappeared as a potent political weapon.

Boston Globe reporters Frank Phillips and Jim O’Sullivan are interviewed by Adam Reilly on The Scrum and talk about the pressures of campaign coverage, why the State House is more interesting to cover, and why an older Yankee journalist is superior to a young Irish reporter (and vice-versa).

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