If only Barack Obama had the skill and political savvy of Lyndon Johnson, he would have ushered in a new era of liberal dominance. Throw in some schmoozing with the leaders of the opposition, and we’d be chiseling his face into Mount Rushmore by now.
At least that’s what the old LBJ hands would have us believe.
They’re wrong because of what they ignore.
Apparently, some Massachusetts Republicans are a bit disgruntled over many of Governor Baker’s choices so far. How could these Republicans not have seen this coming? Apparently, they thought Baker’s campaign dog whistle on welfare reform was a coded message assuring them that everything else he said on the campaign trail was a ruse.
All the recent excitement about who might be running
for the Republican presidential nomination next year has been difficult for me
to take seriously, and not just because so many of the GOP aspirants would be
unserious candidates. With all that we have learned about the salience of party
identification for voters, particularly in federal elections, I just can't see
any Republican nominee being able to make the case that a Republican House,
Senate, Supreme Court, and President is what Americans need or want in 2016.