Entries in MassPoliticsProfs by Maurice Cunningham

Advice from political science: ignore polls.

The Globe’s Evan Horowitz thinks Charlie Baker’s idea that the MBTA should pay more of its own costs is “weird.” Here’s why Horowitz is wrong.

The opposing sides in the battle over the 2024 Boston Olympics have something in common. Neither side will own up to their financial backers.

How could the New York Times give space to John Bolton to make the case for bombing Iran? The problem here isn’t just Bolton; it’s the Times.

The rich are not different from us – now even the rich can’t influence national politics.

Recent news of a referendum on the Olympics and new bike lanes in Boston show that try as we might, it is very hard to kill democracy.

Should Boston win the bid for the 2024 Olympics? Pollsters will play a big role in that decision.

Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal thinks citizens who aren’t experts at public policy shouldn’t vote. But some of her favorite experts haven’t done such a great job.

The good news is that positive emotions like hope can reduce racial resentment in political campaigns. The bad news is that SuperPACS will spend hundreds of millions to promote negative emotions.

Political science on how nationalization helps the Republicans keep the House and what the GOP might do to overcome its demographic disadvantage in presidential elections. Hint: the future of GOP presidential hopes isn't with a Sun Belt Tea Partier, but with a moderate - maybe from the northeast?

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