
The notion of America as a “superpower” is falling apart. Ian Bremmer explains why. Read more....

Political spin is as old as politics itself. Professor David Greenberg tells us how our elected officials have developed new and creative ways to get their message across. Read more...

It’s hard to change politics, especially when charts and graphs are all you've got to work with. We talk about the short life of a startup that dreamed of political transparency. Read More...

Arguing about politics with your family? Stanford’s Robb Willer explains how to win them over. Read More...

Thinking about our mortality can change the way we vote, how we dole out punishment, and who we sit close to. Sheldon Solomon tells us about research into this phenomenon. Read More...

The Internet was supposed to revolutionize democracy and make government more responsive.; so far, that hasn’t really happened. Author Micah Sifry tells us what went wrong, and what could still go right. Read More...

Already tired of the 2016 election? Well, you’re not alone. Social scientist Kate Krontiris tells us why Americans don’t really care about civic engagement, and how we can fix that. Read More...

The term “eating your own dog food” comes from programmers who force themselves to use the programs they create; that’s how the bugs get worked out. According to technology writer Clive Thompson, politicians should take a cue from the tech world – and live by their own policies. Read More...

People think their political beliefs are fair and benefit society. In reality, though, most political views are driven by self-interest – even when we don’t realize it – says Robert Kurzban, co-author of The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind. Read More...

From fact-checking officials to finding out if your cheese is Republican or Democrat, here’s a list of our five favorite apps to get you through the election season. Read More...

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