Kara Miller

Loneliness is a drag. But it’s also bad for your health. We find out why feeling lonely is as dangerous as obesity. Read More...

The key to advancing medicine might be found right in your backyard. Harvard’s Jeff Karp finds inspiration in nature to create medical solutions for humans. Read More...

As America celebrates the Fourth with fireworks and barbeques, we take a closer look at the ideals that have shaped our country. Read More...

Humans love storytelling via many platforms including movies, reading and verbally through chatting and gossip. But how are new technologies like virtual reality and smartphones affecting our experience with and understanding of stories? Read More...

What happens when people regularly start living past 100? We have to redesign our lives, according to Andrew Scott

If you haven’t made that big scientific discovery yet, don’t worry: there’s time. Laszlo Barabasi tells us why great innovations don't just come from young geniuses.

We work four more weeks a year now than we did in the 1970s. And that’s a problem. Professor Julie Rose explains why free time isn’t just nice to have -- it should be a right.

It feels great to carve out a few leisure hours each week. But, Professor Julie Rose says that free time should be a right, not a privilege. Read more....

Unlike in music, science has few one-hit wonders. We talk with professor Laszlo Barabasi about how age and skill figure into scientific discoveries. Read more....

These days, people retire to sun, sand, and shuffleboard. But, it wasn’t always that way. We learn the story of one man who changed the way many people spend their golden years. Read more....

Pretty soon, a lot more people are going to live to 100. We talk with Andrew Scott about how that’s going to reshape our society. Read more....

Our Facebook newsfeeds have become echo chambers. To break out, professor Cass Sunstein says we should embrace a diversity of information. Read more....

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