
Technology may be changing the ways that kids read, but that’s not necessarily bad. Read more....

Time is an invention. And a fairly recent one.Vanessa Ogle tells us why – and when – we became slaves to the clock.

Water could be the new oil. NASA’s Jay Famiglietti explains the myriad ways we’re mismanaging our water – and why that could lead to conflict.

There's a way to beat the roulette wheel. Two ways, in fact. Take a peek into the world of some very smart gamblers.

Some scientists are donning lab coats and heading to the classroom to work with grade schoolers. Read more...

The biggest difference between college in the 50s and college now? The tuition. We talk with ASU’s Michael Crow about the future of higher education. Read more...

The key to a long life? Being the richest person you know. Sir Michael Marmot explains what the health gap is and how it affects the poor, the middle class, and even the rich.

If you have a Ph.D., try San Francisco. Researcher Daniel Shoag says educational attainment is increasingly dictating where we live.

There's a hormone that regulates sleep, reacts to blood sugar, and keeps track of racism. Northwestern's Emma Adam makes a good case for getting to know cortisol.

Education used to provide a crucial opportunity to close the achievement gap between poor and rich kids. Why doesn’t it work now? UCLA professor Pedro Noguera explains the holes that need to be filled to fixed education. Read More...

Mr. Rogers taught millions of kids the importance of kindness and the value of empathy. His legacy lives on, in the neighborhood that Mr. Rogers called home. Read More...

1. Play teaches kids to be adults. That's how humans evolved, argues Peter Gray, professor of psychology at Boston College. But our educational system stifles playfulness, and that can hamper kids' ability to learn. 

2. Doing homework wastes a lot more than paper. Professor Jim Davies thinks too many assignments are busy work, and young people should embark on more projects that matter.  

3. One-on-one learning is finally coming to traditional classrooms, thanks to technology and a company called New Classrooms. Co-founders Joel Rose and Chris Rush explain why the ideal learning environment involves computers, personalized learning, AND group lessons.

Soccer games, homework, dance lessons: the life of a grade school student is busy. Psychology professor Peter Gray says kids would be a lot better off if we just let them play the way they're supposed to. Read More...

Technology is reshaping the classroom, but we're not just talking a computer in each class. Educators are beginning to figure out how to use technology to make class tailored to each student. Read More...

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