Entries in Innovation Hub by Marc Sollinger
Ever wonder why certain places have more than their fair share of geniuses? Eric Weiner explains why this is - and where the next geniuses are likely to pop up. Read more...
When was the last time you repaired your coffeemaker? Or your phone? Or your fridge? Kyle Wiens explains why we need a repair culture. Read more...
Getting a ride on Uber is convenient, but is it killing the middle class? Steven Hill explains the downsides of the gig economy. Read more...
Time is an invention. And a fairly recent one.Vanessa Ogle tells us why – and when – we became slaves to the clock.
Water could be the new oil. NASA’s Jay Famiglietti explains the myriad ways we’re mismanaging our water – and why that could lead to conflict.
There's a way to beat the roulette wheel. Two ways, in fact. Take a peek into the world of some very smart gamblers.
It can be hard to think of a world without standardized time. But up until the late 19th century, time wasn’t that big a deal. Vanessa Ogle dives into the invention of time. Read more...
Think our standard of living is always going to increase? Think again. Read more...
Necessity isn't necessarily the mother of invention. But annoyance is.
College hasn't changed all that much since the '50s. Except for the price tag. ASU’s Michael Crow explains why we should rethink college.
In 20 years, you're not going to have to worry about finances. Betterment CEO Jon Stein tells us how automated assistants are going to make managing money much easier.
Ever wonder how you’ll be managing your money in 2040? Betterment CEO Jon Stein explains how technology is going to change your finances. Read more...
Farmers markets are good and industrial agriculture is bad, right? Professor Louise Fresco says the real picture is much more complicated. Read more...
People aren’t moving to the places with the highest wages. Harvard’s Daniel Shoag explains why. Read more...