Entries in Innovation Hub by Genevieve Gilson
Entrepreneurship gets a lot of media attention. But despite all the hype, data shows the ranks of entrepreneurs are actually shrinking, according to Ben Casselman, chief economics writer for FiveThirtyEight. Read More...
Highways may have defined the 20th century, but airports are shaping the cities of the future, according to John Kasarda, author of Aerotropolis: The Way We'll Live Next. Read More...
Forget little improvements in gadgets or delivery speed. Courtney Reagan, CNBC’s retail reporter, and Howard Anderson, a lecturer at Harvard Business School, discuss what retailers really need to change to stay relevant in the coming years. Read More...
A stray piece of metal in a Philadelphia shipyard provided the inspiration for an affordable toy with a uniquely American twist. Read More...
When an inventive patent officer got tired of the tedious proofreading process his job entailed, he started searching for a better way to make copies. Read More...
![NASA Hubble Image](/media/cms_page_media/2014/3/18/NASA_pic_resize.jpg)
Hubble Space Telescope mosaic featuring a small portion of the Monkey Head Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
What do Walt Disney and Seth MacFarlane have in common? Read More...