Hillary Clinton

William Crotty, author of  Winning the Presidency 2016 (Routledge, 2017), explains what to expect from a Clinton and Trump Presidency.

Democratic divisions on the horizon

Divisions within the Democratic party are somewhat mute during these final weeks of the presidential campaign. They won’t remain quiet for long.

“The people of this country are furious,” Trump said at one point in the debate. “There has never been anything like this.” He was correct. In sum, instead of being content on asking for forgiveness for his behavior, Trump engaged in a fierce, highly personalized and, unlike the first debate, well-prepared attack on his opponent, her husband and her views. Clinton responded in kind and the result was a constant series of exchanges, of an intensity and anger unlike any in previous presidential debates in memory. With the debate came the assurance that Donald Trump would fight to the end. With a month to go, the election was far from over.  

It’s high noon in the general election and that means debates.  This is the make or break moment when a gaffe can rob candidates of their last best hope for victory.

Well, not quite.  

Weighing in on the debate about Hillary Clinton’s “controversial” characterization of Trump supporters, the New York Times editorial board argues that presidential candidates have become too intellectually cozy with their biggest financial supporters; that they have spent too much time with them and been unduly influenced by their worldviews.  This is hardly a controversial thesis, however, the Times’ spin here really should be. 

Clinton is the ONLY Qualified Candidate Left Hillary Clinton’s faith in what she knows to be true may be her most impressive personal quality. Unlike the thinned skinned Trump, Clinton knows the personal attacks against her aren’t true. She knows that she isn’t the caricature popular in the media, and that when push comes to shove the media and the public will figure that out. Her ability to brush off her critics and their criticism actually intensifies the hatred of her critics.  Clinton Derangement Syndrome is a real thing! She knows this, but has enough personal discipline and awareness of the big picture to realize that their hatred is irrational and that as such it will not sink her if she simply stays her course.
Love won't trump hate in 2016

At the risk of sounding pessimistic, love is not going to trump hate in 2016.

The euphoria of the nomination of Hillary Clinton provided a reminder that the morning after may bring rueful reflections.

The intransigent defiance of many Bernie Sanders disciples demonstrates the tension of individualism versus membership in a political community.

Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee.  On the one hand, to borrow loosely from Joe, it’s a really big, er, deal.  On the other hand, ambivalence reigns amongst Democrats and Secretary Clinton is deeply unpopular for a major party nominee.   The history of women in politics suggests it had to be this way.

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