Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post made the following comment on Facebook about Trump’s non-correction of a New Hampshire supporter’s assertion that the President is Muslim: “Does this hurt Trump? Help him? I have totally lost the ability to know at this point.”
Anyone who watched last night’s GOP debate thinking that Donald Trump was a commanding alpha male came away disabused of that notion. He’s a VERY thin-skinned narcissist who can’t take a joke and last night’s extended format helped show the severe limitations of his shtick. Trump’s act is made for commercial TV, but CNN went PBS on his ass. Allowing the debate to continue for three hours left “The Donald” about two hours short on glib one-liners.
“Donald Trump’s Republican lead is only 7 points smaller than Hillary Clinton’s Democratic one”
After reading the mind numbingly inane headline above I was struck by a notion with which I’ve long wrestled, namely that daily intake of commercial media political analysis can make one dumber. As a poli sci prof, I kinda have to pay close attention to do my day job, but I can’t help feeling like one of a few sober folks at a bar full of drunks. Folks who want to test their level of knowledge and understanding of American politics need only peruse the headlines at on any given day. If you don’t feel like laughing, crying, or scratching your head after reading at least 40% of these headlines, then you have some homework to do.