Koch Brothers

Instead of ordering expensive books I can teach my students all they need to know about American politics using two headlines. But that won't work for my Massachusetts Politics class; for that I'll have to use Office of Campaign and Political Finance press releases.

The Republican tax cut plan leaves no doubt what the GOP is all about - serving the passions of the rich instead of the needs of the people. Can this plan sell in Massachusetts?

Obamacare stands and Medicare and Social Security are still in place, but it looks like the Koch Brothers instruction to get their tax cuts or else has the Republican Congress in craven obedience. It's enough to make the Kochs Time Magazine's Men of the Year.

Credit: Flickr, DonkeyHotey

As pundits search for clues in the grisly death of Repeal and Replace, the trail leads back, as usual, to the dark money Kingdom of Koch.

The vast right wing Department of Dubious Research churns out plenty of stuff about the glory of the free market, including in Jeff Jacoby's Boston Globe column. But our economy needs more regulation of free loaders like the Koch Brothers, not less.

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